Better Places

URW is a committed partner to the environmental transition of cities and the sustainable evolution of retail.
Since 2007, with our first environmental impact report, and speeding up with the creation
of Better Places in 2016, the company has already achieved significant progress in reducing
our carbon emissions and limiting the impact of our activities on the environment.
With the comprehensive evolution of our Better Places roadmap, we aim to accelerate, setting
ambitious new targets in terms of carbon emission reduction and environmental performance,
and to develop and operate places that provide sustainable experiences
and contribute to thriving communities.
Our roadmap sets a clear science-based net-zero target on Scopes 1 & 2 by 2030
and introduces a new 2050 net-zero target on Scopes 1, 2 & 3, making us the first
retail real estate company in the European Union and the sixth CAC 40 company
to obtain the approval of the Science Based Targets initiative on its net-zero targets.